miércoles, 16 de mayo de 2018

And now for something completely different

This is going to be my first entry writing in English. I'm gonna use this to try to practice my writing skills.

I've been replaying Beyond Two Souls. The game might be a mess, but it's still one of my favorite PS3 games.

Another game I've been playing lately is Persona 3 on the PSP. It's similar to Persona 5, but also different. I have something to say about the game: I HATE TARTARUS. I FUCKING HATE TARTARUS WITH EVERY FIBER OF MY BEING.
God, and I have to grind. I know that's normal for a japanese role playing game, but it's annoying.

More games I'm playing/interested in: Tales of the Rays, the perfect fanfic crossover where everybody lives.
For example: Velvet is alive and well. Dezel also survives. Eizen is okay and has his sister with him. Luke is also very much alive, and having fun, and being happy.
Yeah, I just... love ToTR. I hope everyone has a happy ending.

More fandoms I'm in right now: Naruto, it's surprinsingly... well, not good, but it made me feel things for the characters. I started thinking this was a dumb show about ninjas... and I ended up crying about those shitty ninjas with stupid clothes and even more stupid shoes.

I don't know, I'm rambling by now, but I need to get this off my chest.
So, more fandoms: the perfect het. I'm not going to name it because I know people I know in real life have access to my blog, but... I love them. I love those two with all my heart, how they truly love each other. Also, I'd die for their family.

Wow, I'm on a roll today.
Oh yeah, there's Kingdom Hearts news! There's going to be a new event soon, and it might mean:
  1. A new trailer. I'm dying, I just want to see e v e r y t h i n g.
  2. Cover art! If we see the cover art, I hope we see Lea's new design. It's probably going to be just more fucking plaid, but I'm thirsty for more Lea/Axel content.
  3. I don't know, just... more info. Please, Nomura, I'm dying.
Also, I love Vanitas. I'm so glad he's back. Well, I don't like that he's a seeker of darkness, but... *shrug*.

And even more stuff because once I start writing I can't stop, apparently.
Locke Cole was released on Dissidia Arcade/console. He looks sooo good. He looks like a standard Nomura design, but it's nice. At least he doesn't wear plaid.
Also, I miss Final Fantasy XV. I miss the monthly free updates. I miss having to pick apart the game to find the story and the lore. I miss all the crazy theories about Pitioss and Ardyn. Well, Episode Ardyn is coming next year but... it's not the same. 

Diseños de personaje de Naruto: Ropa aceptable para un asesino a sueldo parte II

Bueno, vuelvo con una nueva entrada sobre este desastre de moda. En esta ocasión, señalaré un pequeño detalle de un personaje en el que no me había percatado, pero que me hizo llorar de felicidad cuando lo vi.
(Otra vez, todos los renders utilizados pertenecen a masonengine en deviantart).

Fijaos en sus pies. Sí, por primera vez en todo Naruto, un personaje lleva zapatos cerrados. (Es decir, están abiertos por detrás, pero... ¡no muestran sus dedos! ¡Eso es una victoria!)

El resto de su ropa es un desastre, y se supone que él es el líder militar de su país, pero bueno.

Volvamos a las reseñas de ropa estúpida.

La última vez nos quedamos con Sasuke, y me cansé tanto de su ropa que empezaré con Kakashi.

Peinado: Pelo corto. Es de un color llamativo, pero es su color de pelo natural, así que qué se le va a hacer.
Ropa: Lleva lo que yo asumo es un chándal, con camiseta de mangas cortas. Pero, para compensar, lleva protecciones en los brazos. Con guantes. En la parte inferior, lleva pantalones largos. Y, para rematar, lleva la ropa de colores oscuros, nada llamativos. ¡Por fin, alguien que sabe vestirse para ser un espía/asesino!
Zapatos: La mayor decepción de la historia, pero todos los llevan, así que... al menos están cerrados por detrás.